суббота, 5 января 2013 г.


The recipe requires adding 1 rep, 2 rep, 3 reps and then 4…it’s easy!
This is my marker in the sand session.  I roughly know where I am physically when I do this.  If I am ever thrown a curve ball and struggling for time, then this is one of the sessions that gets pulled from the training log.
There will be days when excuses start to creep in, and you may feel you don’t have time to workout.  You can continue to look at the clock tick away or get straight to work on this, even if it means only going to rep no.5 on the chin ups or getting as far as you can in 10 minutes!
Some people view bodyweight training as a warm up, or part of their movement preparation for lifting weights.  Well, I would ask them to try this and if they are feeling brave add a 20kg vest.
Bobby Pandour as seen left is a huge inspiration to me.  He never used heavy weights and instead chose to use his body, working on isometric work and carry his brother up stairs to build his legs!

Simple beats complication when you add tenacity!

1 x Pull Up – add 1 rep until you reach 10 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) 55 reps

2 x Dips – add 2 reps until you reach 20 (2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20) 110 reps

3 x Press Ups – add 3 reps until you reach 30 (3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30) 165 reps

4 x Squats – add 4 reps until you reach 40 (4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40) 220 reps

There is no need to rush the reps.  I like to use a tempo to control the movement and maximise muscle contraction.
No need for fancy numbers for rep tempo.  It has its place in training, just not this session.
A simple mantra of ‘control‘ on the descent, ‘stop‘ at the bottom of each rep and then ‘pop‘ back up to the start.
I am still contemplating adding a 5x one day, so if you have any suggestions then please let me know…

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